Author: md-author-01
Hvordan bidrar matsvinn til global oppvarming og fattigdom?
Det er en enkel måte å redusere global oppvarming og samtidig spare penger – ikke kast bort mat. I sin bok, ‘Waste – The Global madspild Scandal’, beregner Tristram Stuart at britiske husholdninger sender 5,4 millioner tonn spiselig mat til søppelbøtta hvert år. Det er 25 % av all maten briter spiser hjemme. Den treffer…
How Application Designers Bring in Cash in the New Dash for unheard of wealth
Interesting how individuals discuss cell phones like they are another idea. The BlackBerry has been around for something App Development Frisco like 10 years now. All things being equal, maybe it would be exact to treat cell phones like another idea since it was exclusively in 2008 that the Application Store really took off. The…